Cucamelon Cucumber (Melothria scabra)

3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD 3.78 $

3.78 $

  • Plant type
    • Annual
  • Quantity
    • Envelope of about 25 seeds
  • Exposure
    • Full sun
  • Shape
    • Crawling
  • Shape
    • Climbing
  • Soil
    • Rich
  • Watering
    • Frequent
  • Sowing
    • Inside
  • Days to maturity
    • 80 days
  • Germination
    • 7 to 10 days
  • Plant spacing
    • 15 cm
  • Row spacing
    • 0.5 m
  • Depth
    • 5 mm
  • Color
  • Family
    • Cucurbits

This combination does not exist.

Plant type: Annual
Quantity: Envelope of about 25 seeds
Exposure: Full sun
Shape: Crawling, Climbing
Soil: Rich
Watering: Frequent
Sowing: Inside
Days to maturity: 80 days
Germination: 7 to 10 days
Plant spacing: 15 cm
Row spacing: 0.5 m
Depth: 5 mm
Color: Green
Family: Cucurbits

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