
Saint-Anne shallots (Allium ascalonicum)
9.99 $ 9.99 $ 9.99 CAD
Sale between july 20th and november 15th only

This product is only available to order between July 1 and November 1 of each year. Treasures of our Quebec heritage, the Sainte-Anne shallot is a perfectly perennial alliaceae. It comfortably spends our Quebec winters under the cover of snow without any damage. It grows in the spring, very early, and we can then taste it as a green shallot. Then it multiplies and its foliage dries up. We will pull it out on June 24, on St-Jean Baptiste Day. Then we will dry it completely at home, to eat it but also to replant it at Ste-Anne, on July 26th. It will begin to grow again and store up for the winter. Then we start again in the spring!This product is only available between July 1 and November 1 of each year.Package of 8 shallots from Ste-Anne;For more information, * The price of this item is a little higher than our regular pouches to cover shipping costs*

The shallot winters well in Quebec, under the snow cover, but does not keep well indoors.
Perennial Onion (Allium cepa)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
The perennial onion is very practical in the garden. Low maintenance, it grows producing an onion tiller of about 10 or 12 onions the size of a leek. It is edible in its entirety, not just the leaves! It flowers very early in the garden, and you can separate the tiller with a shovel to transplant it to other places. It does not keep well indoors but overwinters outdoors well covered with dead leaves. Several varieties of perennial onions are available on the market, our lineage comes from Ferme Miracle.

Wait for autumn to consume.

Leave a foot with a few onions in the ground, so the following year you will have a small "grove" of onions.
Jesuit House Garlic (Allium sativum var. ophioscorodon)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Onion Catawissa (Allium x proliferum, syn. Allium cepa var. proliferum)
5.55 $ 5.55 $ 5.55 CAD
Sale between july 20th and november 15th only

** CANNOT BE SHIPPED OUTSIDE CANADA ** The 'Catawissa' or Egyptian onion has long been grown in Quebec. It is mentioned as far back as 1820, and it would have arrived with the first settlers. But its origin is unclear, with some saying it comes from Catawissa, a city in Pennsylvania, and others from China. Grapes. We mainly harvest the bulblets or the bulb, but the foliage is also delicious chopped like chives. After 2-3 years, the plant will benefit from being divided and then replanted individually. The surpluses can then be eaten like a green onion. The 'Catawissa' onion has a small to medium, elongated, red bulb.;;Quantity Approximately 8 small bulbils per order.

Benefits from a division after a few years.
Carolina Garlic (Allium carolinianum)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD