Radio-Canada : Ohdio
Plaidoyer pour redécouvrir les semences de notre héritage agroalimentaire
Video : Urbania (IGA)
With the help of a historian and a seed producer, Jean-Martin investigates the agricultural past of the plot of land where the Duchemin family grocery store is now located.
Video: Grows everywhere (RONA)
Collecting and saving your vegetable seeds is a rewarding activity that saves money. Find out how to do it in a few easy steps with Lyne Bellemare, experienced artisanal seed maker.
Show: It's worth it
Barbara-Judith Caron visits a seed company to learn more about ancestral seeds, which are more resistant to our climate and perpetuate our agricultural heritage.
Émission : La Semaine Verte
Quel était le goût des légumes d'autrefois? Les variétés ancestrales répondent à cette question mais plusieurs enjeux concernent leur commercialisation.
Article: Radio Canada
Our journalists present initiatives to improve, restore or maintain the state of biodiversity in different sectors of society.
Article : Globe and mail
A has-bean gets another chance. Blue Jay beans had all but disappeared from Canadian gardens, until a seed saver and his local network brought them back.
Article: Living in the countryside
Crop diversification and conservation of old seeds.
Article : À la recherche des (véritables) tomates ancestrales
Les vraies tomates ancestrales ne sont pas en vente dans les supermarchés, même si l’étiquetage indique le contraire.
Article : Le Jardinier Paresseux
Voici les meilleures suggestions de légumes ancestraux des semenciers québécois!
Article : La Terre de chez Nous
Celle qui veut faire renaîtrte le lin textile au Québec.