
Marilyne de La Présentation flax (Linum usitatissimum)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Common hemp-nettle (Galeopsis tetrahit)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Despite its name, the royal nettle is not a nettle! It is a false nettle, easily recognizable by its square stem and the presence of a swelling beneath the nodes (at the leaf insertion points). It is hairy but not stinging. It can reach up to 80 cm in height and has purplish (pink) flowers, speckled with yellow or white. They are grouped together and form a crown of spines: this is the calyx. Flowering occurs from July to October. Like the rest of the nettles (true or false), it is a undemanding plant: it is found in hedges, clearings, along paths or even in fields.

Nettle seeds do not all germinate simultaneously. CAUTION, invasive plant.
Velvet Queen Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Hopi Black Dye sunflowers grow tall and strong, and their flower have sunny yellow petals with a dark purple center. This sunflower variety comes from the Hopi, a Native American tribe, who used it for dyeing. They used it to create grey and purples hues on their basketry and textiles, like cotton and wool. The seeds are edible for humans and birds, and are rich and easy to shell.

CARE AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS : Towards the end of September, sunflower seeds start to reach maturity. The stem dries up and the flower starts to bend down. It’s time to harvest! Cut the entire flower heads. Let them dry in a dry space. Check regularly to make sure the sunflowers are not getting moldy. After a few days, the seeds will sound ‘hollow’ and ‘dry’ when running your fingers over them. You then only need to rub over to remove what’s left of the flowers, and scratch with your fingers to detach the seeds.
Balsam (Impatiens balsamina)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Amazing and elegant flower, the zinnia is an annual that comes in multiple colors sunny yellow, bright orange or fuchsia pink. Its nectar will relentlessly attract hummingbirds and pollinators.;Zinnia is found primarily in Mexico. Following the sun, it spread across the dry grasslands, over an area stretching from southwestern North America to South America.

Good dried flower. Cutting faded flowers stimulates flowering.