Lyne Bellemare The Garlic from the Jesuit House (Originally published in the 2016 issue of Semences du Patrimoine) It was during a Seed Festival in Quebec that I first met Kevin Bouchard. Among the crowd visiting the booths that day, he approached ... Ancestral Lieux historiques Sep. 19, 2024 0 10002
Lyne Bellemare Cherokee Trail of Tears Old varieties have a very special way of reminding us of our history. Their name evokes people, communities or highlights that remind us of each spring, when it is time to sow them. The tradition that... Lieux historiques Patrimoine Premières Nations Person linked to agriculture in Quebec Apr. 7, 2024 1 4070
Lyne Bellemare Léon's currant tomato Léon and I were definitely not the best friends in the world. When I entered the community garden, he was all smiles. As president, he kept the garden clean like cleaning a hotel room. Any gardener wh... Ancestral Lieux historiques Person linked to agriculture in Quebec Apr. 7, 2024 0 2856
Lyne Bellemare The fabulous story of the Fidelutza bean Some events are so fortuitous that we sometimes wonder if chance is playing on us. The history of cultivated fruits and vegetables is so intrinsically linked to the history of people that sometimes on... Ancestral Lieux historiques Person linked to agriculture in Quebec Mar. 21, 2024 0 1435