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Chamomile (Matricaria recutita)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Chamomile is well known for its aromatic and medicinal properties. A delicate little plant in the garden, it will flower all summer long and you can cut it as needed.

Latin name: Matricaria recutita
Common Names: Feverfew, chamomile, German chamomile, chamomile chamomile, blue chamomile, little chamomile, false chamomile, wild chamomile, common chamomile, sun's eye chamomile, bull's-eye chamomile.
English: Chamomile
Family: Asteraceae
Field Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Along with the dandelion, the daisy is the first flower one identifies as a child. It is perfect in bouquets of wildflowers and can help us find the love of our life he loves me, he doesn't love me, he loves me, he doesn't love me...;De moreover, young fresh daisy leaves are eaten in salads. They have a slightly peppery taste. The flower bud is eaten raw or like capers. In herbal medicine, the dried flowers are used as an infusion. Daisy has antispasmodic, calming, digestive, astringent properties just like chamomile which is from the same family

Latin name: Leucanthemum vulgare
Common names: Common daisy, field daisy, white-flowered chrysanthemum
English: oxeye daisy, Common Daisy, Field Daisy
Family: Asteraceae

White daisy is found in open, sunny places. This is why it scatters the fields, the vacant lots and the edges of the roads. It likes dry places and poor soils.
Elecampane (Inula helenium)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Helenium comes from Helen, alluding to the legend that the plant was born from a tear of Helen, the Hellenic daughter of Zeus and Leda, whose kidnapping, it is said, caused the war of Troy. Perennial plant that can easily reach two meters. The beautiful yellow flowers can be used as a garnish in various dishes. Young, still tender leaves are eaten after cooking in water. Attracts pollinators. Elecampane is edible. Its root, rich in inulin, bitter and tonic, is very aromatic. It is used fresh or dried to flavor certain desserts. It also has various medicinal properties.
Sacred Mapacho Tobacco (Nicotiana rustica)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
This tobacco is native to Central America (Mexico and Venezuela). Also called white tobacco, it was cultivated during the pre-Columbian period in Mexico. The Aztecs dried its leaves, ground them and mixed them with Tagetes lucida and then consumed this mixture in various rituals. It is said of this tobacco that it influenced mental activity, and was therefore used by shamans, among others by the Warao ethnic group of Venezuela. In traditional medicine, white tobacco was consumed to combat the problem of asthma, inflammations, toothaches, headaches, snake venoms. The flowers of this plant are particularly decorative and very delicate.

If you are planting tobacco for leaf harvest, remove the flowers. The leaves are picked when yellow or brown. If you want to collect seeds and leave food for pollinators, let the flowers bloom. You can also harvest the leaves, but there will be fewer of them.
Tobacco Hav* Ahna (Nicotiana tabacum)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
This tobacco is used to make cigars, among other things. It produces abundant fragrant leaves, used for cigars, but also for chewing. It likes the sun, but grows very well in cold regions. Also known for its beautiful pink trumpet-shaped flowers that attract pollinators.

Latin name: Nicotiana tabacum
Common name: cigar tobacco
English: Havana Tobacco
Family: Solanaceae

If you are planting tobacco for leaf harvest, remove the flowers. The leaves are picked when yellow or brown. If you want to collect seeds and leave food for pollinators, let the flowers bloom. You can also harvest the leaves, but there will be fewer of them.
Black Sea Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
This tobacco comes from Turkey, in the region of Samsun, very close to the Black Sea. Prized for its rich flavor and unique aroma, it is nonetheless smooth to smoke. For cigarettes or pipes. Very adapted to the Quebec climate, it approaches very pretty and slender pink flowers.

Latin name: Nicotiana tabacum
Common names: Tobacco from the Samsun region, Tobacco from Turkey
English: Black Sea Tobacco
Family: Solanaceae

If you are planting tobacco for leaf harvest, remove the flowers. The leaves are picked when yellow or brown. If you want to collect seeds and leave food for pollinators, let the flowers bloom. You can also harvest the leaves, but there will be fewer of them.
Cockerel (Lychnis coronaria)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Originally from Europe, the garden cockle is easy to grow and very beautiful, capable of establishing itself in the most difficult soils. Its beautiful pale gray felted foliage admirably highlights its long-lasting flowering. deep and velvety purple-pink. Reseeds itself in the garden. Short-lived, biennial perennial.
Bladder campion ( Silene vulgaris)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
The leaves of this small edible plant, which is often found in wasteland or meadows, are slightly sweet, with a taste reminiscent of peas. According to Brother Marie-Victorin, in his Flore Laurentienne, the leaves soap just like those of the saponaries. The flowers attract insects and are very melliferous. Its common names Pétard, Péteux and Pétarel come from the fact that the flower can be burst with a noise of explosion, by pinching its orifice, to trap the air, before hitting it sharply on the back of the other hand.

Latin name: Silene vulgaris
Common names: Common silenus, Claquet, firecracker, peterole, pety, pétarel
English: Bladder Campion
Family: Caryophyllaceae
St. John's wort (Hypericum sp.)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
St. John's wort is a perennial and hardy plant that is found naturally in meadows near roadsides, in infertile soils. This plant produces many starry yellow flowers with a balsamic smell. Easy to grow and adapting to any type of soil, St. John's wort will be very useful for pleasantly furnishing difficult cultivation sites in your garden.

**Cette plante nécessite une stratification ! Pour plus d'informations, visitez notre fiche sur la stratification dans notre menu "Blog"
Reseeds itself year after year.
Woodland Tobacco (Nicotiana sylvestris)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
There are several varieties of tobacco, but among all of them, wild tobacco stands out as a giant. The plant is growing rapidly. The erect stems can branch. They have large, long, oblong, light green leaves, while the flowers, grouped in tight panicles, are a beautiful pure white. As night falls, their scent intensifies and attracts moths.

Latin name: Nicotiana sylvestris
Common names: Giant tobacco or sylvatic tobacco
English: Woodland tobacco, flowering tobacco, South American tobacco
Family: Solanaceae

If you are planting tobacco for leaf harvest, remove the flowers. The leaves are picked when yellow or brown. If you want to collect seeds and leave food for pollinators, let the flowers bloom. You can also harvest the leaves, but there will be fewer of them.
Russian Red Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
This tobacco is small (3 or 4 feet), with very dark green, round-shaped leaves. It reminds us of Cuban varieties. It bears pretty, slender, dark red flowers, making it an excellent variety for an ornamental plant.

Needs light to germinate.
If you are planting tobacco for leaf harvest, remove the flowers. The leaves are picked when yellow or brown. If you want to collect seeds and leave food for pollinators, let the flowers bloom. You can also harvest the leaves, but there will be fewer of them.
Virginia Gold Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
This tobacco has a particularly sweet taste and is commonly used for light cigarettes. The plant can reach 1.5 to 2 meters. It bears pretty, slender, trumpet-shaped flowers in pale pink, which attract pollinators. Flowering in August and September. Very popular variety in the United States.

If you are planting tobacco for leaf harvest, remove the flowers. The leaves are picked when yellow or brown. If you want to collect seeds and leave food for pollinators, let the flowers bloom. You can also harvest the leaves, but there will be fewer of them.
Scent of Italy tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
This tobacco was grown in the 1930s in Quebec. It bears pretty, slender, trumpet-shaped flowers in pale pink, which attract pollinators. Flowering in August until the first frosts. Its taste is a little more pronounced than Virginia Gold.

If you are planting tobacco for leaf harvest, remove the flowers. The leaves are picked when yellow or brown. If you want to collect seeds and leave food for pollinators, let the flowers bloom. You can also harvest the leaves, but there will be fewer of them.
Borage officinalis (Borago officinalis)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Borage is native to southern and central Europe. Easy to grow, melliferous, it requires very little maintenance and will reseed spontaneously in your garden from year to year. Its delicate star-shaped flowers change from purple to sky blue, then to pink before declining. They will delight pollinators and bring color to your garden and your salads! Its seeds are used to make an oil rich in essential fatty acids and some call it "Elixir of Youth" because it contains a large amount of gamma linolenic acid, a rare substance in the plant world.

The vast majority of our seeds are produced on our farm. However, if the cultivation of a variety fails or if it is out of stock, we source from other seed companies to ensure an interesting selection. This is the case for this variety.

Latin name: Borago officinalis
Common names: Borage, Borage officinalis
English: Borage
Family: Boraginaceae

Do not sow after July. It will not have time to produce flowers before the end of the season. After flowering it will reseed spontaneously and will grow back the following year. It is a follower of spontaneous sowing.
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Yarrow is a perennial plant of the Asteraceae family, edible and medicinal tonic, digestive, antispasmodic, haemostatic, hypotensive, healing properties. Just that. It is perhaps for these reasons that this plant was found, during a DNA analysis in Neanderthal dental plaque! Indeed the Achillé Millefeuille was found in a Neanderthal tomb discovered during archaeological excavations in Iraq. It is also an excellent host plant for garden helpers.

Sow preferably in a bucket, indoors, the germination of yarrow being difficult. Possible nevertheless in the ground. Arrange on the surface. Do not cover as the seeds need light to germinate.

Prune stems after harvest to promote regrowth. Harvesting yarrow from spring sowing is possible from the second year of growth only. Love the sun!
Arnica (Arnica chamissonis)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Arnica originates from the American West. Once implanted, this beautiful hardy plant will form beautiful covering mats. Its yellow flowers will provide excellent pasture for bees and butterflies. It is sometimes called "fall grass" ... arnica is a particularly effective remedy, for external use, to relieve hematomas, inflammations and other sprains. Difficult and slow germination, needs light to germinate.

Sowing is relatively difficult. The plant prefers to do the following: Do not cover, just press them into the soil gently, as they need light to germinate. Sow in early spring indoors. Transplant the seedlings into individual pots as soon as the first true leaf appears and plant them after the last expected frost.
Rabbit's ear ( Stachys byzantina, Stachys lanata)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Stachys byzantina is a perennial, woolly, gray-white herbaceous plant reminiscent of rabbit ears in its fluffy appearance. The lower leaves form a rosette from which emerges a stem 60 high. Some gardeners remove the flower stalks as soon as they appear (judging that they spoil the silhouette of the plant) yet the flowers have the advantage of being nectariferous and of attracting bees and butterflies. This low plant elegantly adorns all gardens by serving as a border or ground cover without being invasive. In Provence, it was called the "hand of God" because of its healing and vulnerary properties.

Latin name: Stachys byzantina, Stachys lanata
Common names: Bear's ear, Hare's ear, Rabbit's ear, Woolly Epiaire, Byzantium Epiaire
English: Lamb's ear
Family: Lamiaceae

Accommodates, and even appreciates, poor and stony soils (those that make up the embankments or other places difficult to flower!)
Mexican Tithonia (Tithonia rotundifolia)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
The Mexican Sunflower blooms throughout the summer with a profusion of large, daisy-shaped, bright orange flowers. Friend of butterflies like the monarch, bees, bumblebees and hummingbirds, its immense nectariferous flowers will delight everyone.

Latin name: Tithonia rotundifolia
Common names: Mexican Tithonia, Mexican Sunflower, Clavel de muerte, Sun of Mexico
English: Mexican sunflower, Tithonia seed
Family: Asteraceae
Dyer's chamomile (Cota tinctoria)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Pretty little flower, similar to the daisy but entirely yellow. It will brighten up your garden with its abundant flowering from the end of June to the end of September. Dyer's chamomile will also delight pollinators. Its main interest, however, lies in the rich dye that can be obtained from it, as its name suggests. The dyers' chamomile makes it possible to naturally dye natural fibers yellow, buff or orange.

reseeds itself
Morning glory (Ipomea purpurea)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
With its purple, pink and blue trumpet flowers, sweet fragrance and heart-shaped foliage, morning glories will add a romantic touch to your garden. This climbing plant grows quickly and is therefore ideal for decorating or covering structures such as a pergola. As its name suggests, the flowers prefer to open only when the sun is not too present, especially in the morning. We can therefore see them open in the morning, then closed a few hours later. Morning glories offer abundant flowering from July until the first frosts. Moreover, their magnificent flowers are just as attractive to our eyes as they are to butterflies and hummingbirds.

reseeds itself