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Obedient plant (Physostegia virginiana)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Native plant with lanceolate leaves, which produces beautiful lavender-colored flowers from late summer to early fall.
Propagation by roots (rhizomes), can thus form large colonies. Popular with pollinators including hummingbirds.


The seeds must undergo cold stratification, see the information on this subject on the stratification sheet
Common hemp-nettle (Galeopsis tetrahit)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Despite its name, the royal nettle is not a nettle! It is a false nettle, easily recognizable by its square stem and the presence of a swelling beneath the nodes (at the leaf insertion points). It is hairy but not stinging. It can reach up to 80 cm in height and has purplish (pink) flowers, speckled with yellow or white. They are grouped together and form a crown of spines: this is the calyx. Flowering occurs from July to October. Like the rest of the nettles (true or false), it is a undemanding plant: it is found in hedges, clearings, along paths or even in fields.

Nettle seeds do not all germinate simultaneously. CAUTION, invasive plant.
Purple Mitsuba (Cryptotaenia japonica f. atropurpurea)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
The purple Mitsuba and the green Mitsuba, also known as Japanese parsley, are among the few garden plants that grow in the shade. This Japanese herb is consumed in the same way as parsley. All parts of the plant are edible, with a mild parsley flavor that is slightly aniseed. Additionally, Mitsuba is rich in carotene, potassium, and iron. It is a small perennial plant that tolerates our Quebec winters very well.