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Yellowstone Carrots (Daucus carota var. sativus)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
This variety is smooth and of a beautiful yellow color. It is a fairly early variety with a very good sweet flavor. It does not become tough, even forgotten in the garden. It is very juicy and delicious both raw and cooked. It will be like a ray of sunshine on your plates!

Latin name: Daucus carota var. satisfied
Common names: Yellow carrot
English: Yellow carrot
Family: Apiaceae
Summer radish mix (Raphanus sativus)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Summer radishes of all colors, from purple to white and red. Some more rosy, others more spicy. Perfect for the undecided, excellent on plates where the diversity will amaze your guests.

Latin name: Raphanus sativus
Common names: Radish, summer radish
English: Radish
Family: Brassicaceae

Make several successive sowings during the summer to have several harvests.

*** The vast majority of our seeds are produced on our farm. However, if the cultivation of a variety fails or if it is out of stock, we source from other seed companies to ensure an interesting selection. This is the case for this variety.
Radish D'Avignon (Raphanus sativus)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
This pretty elongated radish, red with a white tip, is an ancestral variety that comes from the south of France. An ideal vegetable for filling holes in the vegetable garden in the spring, it also deserves a place of choice there. Favorite of beginner gardeners, resow as many times as you want to harvest all season long!

Latin name: Raphanus sativus
Common names: Avignon radish
English: D'avignon radish
Family: Brassicaceae

Make several successive sowings during the summer to have several harvests.
Apios americana (Rosary Potato) (Apios americana)
10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.0 CAD

Perennial climbing plant native to Quebec. It belongs to the legume family. It is suitable for banks and shores, but also for cultivated gardens. With its very fragrant flowers, it is reminiscent of wisteria. It is also called tuberous glycine. Its other name, wild bean, refers to the edible bean produced (in a favorable climate) by its flowers. Its tubers, also edible, are connected to each other by a vine root, hence its name of potato in a string. It was widely consumed by First Nations. Nowadays, it is not uncommon to see it growing on the site of former Native American villages. Very nutritious (it contains up to 18% protein, three times more than potatoes), it can be eaten boiled or fried. On the other hand, the peel contains latex, so it must be peeled.

*Note Rare people may be indisposed by consumption
Package 8 tubers of small size.
Germination rate 100%

For spring orders, plant in pots until you have access to the ground and can transplant them outside. Each tuber can germinate and give a plant. Cut the rosary into as many parts as it contains tubers. Place each tuber in a flat position, about 5-6 cm deep, much like you would a potato. (However, the Apios does not cut into several pieces like the latter).
You can mulch lightly, the stem will pass through a mulch. Stake.

After two weeks, a stem will emerge from the ground. It will roll up like a bean.
Harvest in the fall. When the leaves are dry, dig up the tubers with a pitchfork. A single tuber will give two to three “chains”.
You will have to dig a little further than where you planted. Put a single tuber back in the same place in anticipation of next year's harvest. Mulch. Apios americana is very resistant to Quebec winters.

Taste the rest. Be sure to peel and boil or fry well before eating, as the peel contains latex, which can cause stomach bloating.
Yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Tigernut, or ground almond, is a grass that produces small, almond- and coconut-flavoured tubers at the roots.;;;Tigernut is used to prepare a refreshing sweet drink, known in Spain as the name of horchata de chufa (sedge milk or, more precisely, tiger nut orgeat). In Africa, it is generally eaten fresh or dried as a delicacy, like peanuts or coconut. A delicious juice is extracted from it. It also makes excellent oil and even flour, and is often found on market stalls. This tuber is one of the oldest cultivated plants in ancient Egypt. Tigernut was undoubtedly an important element in the diet of ancient Egypt. In dynastic times, for example, it was made into cakes. The yellow nutsedge is annual, non-invasive in our climates, because the cold of our winters prevents it from reproducing.

Soak the tubers in water at room temperature for 24 hours before planting them. Germinates best in heat.;Tubers don't tend to germinate all at once, it can take up to three weeks from the first to the last germination.Tip After soaking your tigernuts, you can leave them in a sprouter (or a bag with a damp paper towel). As they sprout, transplant them into pots of soil.
Touchstone Gold Beet (Beta Vulgaris)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
In addition to its notable advantage of not staining the fingers when handled, this beet will seduce you with its golden orange color, its flesh surrounded by pale yellow and its sweet taste. Delicious raw or cooked, it retains its pretty color when cooked. Its edible leaves and stems are almost as good as its root.;A small, early growing beet that is easy to grow!
Rat's Tail Radish (Raphanus sativus var. caudatus)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Also called "Snake radish", this radish is a very old variety originating from Indonesia. It does not develop a root, but is eaten by... the tail! It is actually the aerial pods that are edible and look like rat tails. Tender and tasty (pods, not rat tails!), slightly spicy, they can be eaten raw, cooked or marinated.

Radish is usually a cold climate crop and is best planted in the spring. On the other hand, the Rattail radish likes to be planted early, but loves the heat. It will flower when the hot weather arrives in August!

Number of seeds per packet : 40
Meadow salsify (Tragopogon pratensis)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Shy in the garden, salsify blends in with grass when it is young. But its hardiness and lack of pests make it a wise choice for curiosity seekers. It is not the most productive plant, but it is worth the detour for its taste between hazelnut and parsnip. This plant is a real little sundial At the first light of dawn, meadow salsify opens directly towards the sun, then follows the course of the star until evening. From the dandelion family, it has an edible root with a slight nutty taste. The roots are tender and devoid of bitterness, provided they are picked before the flower stalk develops. The leaves are also edible. When the flowers appear, in the second year, it is possible to eat the flower buds like those of scorzonera. Culinary uses - chopped raw roots in salads, - cooked roots cut into strips (with white wine to prevent them from turning black), - young leaves in salads, - cooked leaves in vegetables, - raw flower buds in salads or cooked in vegetables.

Latin name: Tragopogon pratensis
Common names: goat's beard
English: Jack-go-tobed-at-noon, Meadow Salsify, Showy Goat's-beard
Family: Asteraceae
Chervis (Sium sisarum)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
The roots, whose very sweet taste is reminiscent of parsnips, are eaten cooked. Popular even at the royal table until the 17th century, the chervis gradually fell into oblivion. It was probably a victim of the success of carrots or beets, the selection of which underwent spectacular improvements over time. But for the permaculture vegetable garden, it's a must! Easy to grow, the soft white flesh of its roots will make it popular again. Harvesting can be done in early spring before the plant has started growing or in the fall. Like the carrot, a first frost can make the roots sweeter. Harvest time is also the time to divide the plant for the next season. *Must have a cold period in the refrigerator, see information below.;Here is a recipe from 1460"Take skirrets, parsnips and apples, and parboil them. Make a batter of flour and eggs. Cast ale, saffron and salt into it. Wet them in the batter and fry them in oil or in grease. Pour on almond milk and serve it forth.

Latin name: Sium sisarum
Common names: Chervis, berle des bergers, chirouis, girole
English: Skirret
Family: Apiaceae

The chervis likes to have its feet cool and the development of its roots requires regular watering. Also, mulch the feet as soon as the temperatures warm up. And do not hesitate to water!
Tuberous parsley (Petroselinum crispum var. tuberosum)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Tuberous parsley, a little-known cousin of flat-leaf parsley and curly parsley, is mainly grown for its beautiful large white root with a very mild and sweet taste. It is cooked like carrots, celeriac, or parsnips. The fragrant leaves are also eaten like that of common parsley, but harvest in moderation so as not to weaken the root.

Latin name: Petroselinum crispum var. tuberosum
Common names: Tuberous parsley, large root parsley, Hamburg parsley.
English: Hamburg parsley, turnip rooted parsley, parsley root.
Family: Apiaceae
Scarlett Nantes Carrots (Daucus carota var. sativus)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
This cylindrical carrot has a very soft and very crunchy flesh. Orange in color, this variety with great keeping qualities is excellent fresh, frozen or juiced. Easy to grow

The vast majority of our seeds are produced on our farm. However, if the cultivation of a variety fails or if it is out of stock, we source from other seed companies to ensure an interesting selection. This is the case for this variety.

Latin name: Daucus carota var. satisfied
Common name: Orange carrot
English: Carrot
Family: Apiaceae

"Tear" your carrots, that is, thin them out quickly so they don't all stick together and stay small.
Perennial horseradish (Armoracia rusticana)
5.58 $ 5.58 $ 5.58 CAD

The name of this edible perennial comes from the old French, rais fors meaning “strong root” in reference to the pungent but fine taste of its vigorous taproot. It was formerly called “poor man’s pepper”. Grated horseradish root is used as a condiment, as a substitute for mustard.

Envelope: 4 to 5 root splints (depending on size) to keep in the fridge moist until planting.

Keep the cuttings in the fridge until planting, and make sure they stay moist. Plant the roots by laying them down, either as seeds in April, or directly in the garden at the end of May. It is better to wait until the second year of cultivation to start harvesting, then between September and April. Pull out the roots with a strong spade; there will always be a fragment left in the soil to start again in the spring.
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Ashwagandha or Indian Ginseng is a species of plant in the Solanaceae family. Its root is part of the traditional pharmacopoeia of India, where it originated. In Ayurveda its roots and leaves are used as tonics, aphrodisiacs or anti-stress. Its name means in Sanskrit that has "the smell of the horse" in reference not to its perfume, but to its power to give strength to a horse! Indian Ginseng is not perennial in our latitudes, you will grow it like your tomatoes and can bring it into a pot at home in the warm winter.

Latin name: Withania somnifera
Common names: Ashwagandha, Indian Ginseng, Withania
English: Indian ginseng, poison gooseberry, winter cherry
Family: Solanaceae

Grows like tomatoes in a climate like in Quebec. Prefer indoor sowing in a bucket, for example, and transplant into the garden 3 to 4 weeks later, after the risk of frost. This plant is not hardy in Quebec, you can if you want to see it evolve into a shrub, keep it in a pot indoors in winter. Harvest its root in the fall.
Beet LUTZ (Beta vulgaris)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Delicious elongated beetroot. It is productive and resistant, in addition to being very tender and sweet! The abundant leaves can also be eaten, and the beet keeps well for the winter in cold storage. This variety originated in Germany, and was very popular in the Amish and Mennonite communities of the United States.
Detroit Beet (Beta vulgaris)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Here is a nice round and very red beet. Its juicy flesh is perfect for making juices. It can also be cooked very well raw or cooked. Its sweet flavor is in no way earthy. In addition, its abundant foliage is delicious in pesto. To be harvested in summer. An old variety, its appearance dates from 1892.

The vast majority of our seeds are produced on our farm. However, if the cultivation of a variety fails or if it is out of stock, we source from other seed companies to ensure an interesting selection. This is the case for this variety.

Latin name: Beta vulgaris
Common name: Detroit Beet
English: Detroit Beet
Family: Amaranthaceae, formerly Chenopodiaceae
Turnip White Purple Globe (Brassica rapa)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Ancestral variety widely cultivated in the United States in the 19th century. Its skin is white and the aboveground part is bright purple. Its flesh is white, firm and sweet. It produces roots with a width of 7 to 10 cm. Very resistant to cold. The leaves, slightly pungent when young, are delicious pan-fried, steamed or in soups, in addition to being an excellent source of vitamins.

The vast majority of our seeds are produced on our farm. However, if the cultivation of a variety fails or if it is out of stock, we source from other seed companies to ensure an interesting selection. This is the case for this variety.

Cover the tops of the tubers with mulch to protect them from sunburn.
Tuberous chervil (Chaerophyllum bulbosum)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Despite its name, root chervil should not be confused with aromatic chervil. We do not eat its leaves and its stem which are toxic, but rather its root in the shape of a small spinning top. This forgotten tuber has been cultivated since ancient times in continental Europe. It has a sweet and delicate flavor reminiscent of potato and chestnut. It is eaten cooked, like parsnips, as a side dish or mashed. It is important not to overcook it to prevent its flesh from becoming mealy. It is necessary to wait several weeks after harvest before consuming it in order to allow its flavor to reach its full potential. It is harvested when the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall to the ground. Root chervil seeds have a shelf life of about 1 year.

The root is eaten, not the leaves and stem which are poisonous.

Latin name: Physalis pruinosa
Common names: Tuberous chervil, Bulbous chervil, Bulbous chervil, Bulbous chervil
English: turnip-rooted chervil, tuberous-rooted chervil, bulbous chervil, parsnip chervil
Family: Apiaceae

Cold stratification, at least 6 weeks before planting in the spring.
Turnip ''White Purple Globe'' (Brassica rapa)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Ancestral variety widely cultivated in the United States in the 19th century. Its skin is white and the aboveground part is bright purple. Its flesh is white, firm and sweet. It produces roots with a width of 7 to 10 cm. Very resistant to cold. The leaves, slightly pungent when young, are delicious pan-fried, steamed or in soups, in addition to being an excellent source of vitamins.

The vast majority of our seeds are produced on our farm. However, if the cultivation of a variety fails or if it is out of stock, we source from other seed companies to ensure an interesting selection. This is the case for this variety.

Latin name: Brassica rapa
Common names: Turnip 'white purple globe', Turnip white with purple collar
English: Purple top white globe turnip
Family: Brassicaceae

Cover the tops of the tubers with mulch to protect them from sunburn.
Scarlett Nantes Carrots (Daucus carota var. sativus)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
This cylindrical carrot has a very soft and very crunchy flesh. Orange in color, this variety with great keeping qualities is excellent fresh, frozen or juiced. Easy to grow

The vast majority of our seeds are produced on our farm. However, if the cultivation of a variety fails or if it is out of stock, we source from other seed companies to ensure an interesting selection. This is the case for this variety.

Latin name: Daucus carota var. satisfied
Common name: Orange carrot
English: Carrot
Family: Apiaceae

"Tear" your carrots, that is, thin them out quickly so they don't all stick together and stay small.
Early Scarlet Globe Radish (Raphanus sativus)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
According to records, this olive-shaped red radish was cultivated in Port Williams, Nova Scotia, in the 1860s. Originally called "Early Scarlet Olive," it was sold for 5 cents per pound package in local markets and featured in Maul's seed catalog in 1893. The "Early Scarlet Globe" radish is known for its rapid growth and crisp, slightly spicy flavor.

Make multiple successive sowings throughout the summer for multiple harvests.