
Black Ruffle Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
This tomato is a cross between Black Crimean and Zapotec. It combines the qualities of these two ancestral varieties. Its flavor is exceptional and its fleshy dark red fruit is pleated like an accordion. It is a rare variety that deserves to be discovered.

Gradually acclimate to outdoor conditions about 10 days before planting by taking them out during the day. Lay the plants horizontally, slightly arching the plant to bring the leaves out.
Gold Medal Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Two-tone tomato with large, very sweet marbled fruits. Its firm, rosy, acid-free flesh has won several gastronomic competitions in the United States. The yellow fruit takes on a red and orange color as it ripens. This old variety was introduced in 1921, in New York, under the name of Ruby Gold. It was renamed Gold Medal by the American seed company Ben Quisenberry in 1976.

Gradually acclimate to outdoor conditions about 10 days before planting by taking them out during the day. Lay the plants horizontally, slightly arching the plant to bring the leaves out.
Petit Moineau Cherry Tomato (Solanum pimpinellifolium)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
This currant tomato was discovered in the Châteauguay region in the 1940s. It is a family favorite because its many small red fruits are a delight for children. Make no mistake about it, the real Petit Moineau tomato bears 7 fruits on its bunches, otherwise it is an imitation!

Gradually acclimate to outdoor conditions about 10 days before planting by taking them out during the day. Lay the plants horizontally, slightly arching the plant to bring the leaves out.
Wild arugula (Diplotaxis tenuifolia)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
This plant with lobed and narrow leaves has a more pungent taste than that of cultivated arugula. It will appeal to those who love arugula salad as well as gardeners who like to taste a few leaves in passing, on hot summer days.;Arugula reseeds itself year after year.

When thinning, be careful not to damage the plants that will remain in place because they are still fragile. When the plants have a few leaves, thin out by removing the weakest so as to leave a plant every 10 to 15 cm. Germination generally takes place about ten days after sowing and thinning can be done immediately after the appearance of the first leaves. The wild arugula is discreet during the winter but will start up again in the spring and will remain in place for several years.
Saint-Hubert pea (Pisum sativum)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Heritage variety brought to New France in the 17th century by European settlers. It is still eaten today in soups. Very productive, the plants can reach 1 meter in height and require stakes. According to the blog Le Potager d'Antan "an old European tradition dating back to the 15th century mentions that a pea soup would be associated with Saint-Hubert, patron saint of hunters and foresters. In summary, in the 7th century, after having moved away from God and having hunted on a Friday, Saint-Hubert would have encountered a deer carrying a scintillating cross which would have enjoined him to propagate the word of the divine. After many exploits including miracles, he brought the gospel to distant lands and built many places of prayer dedicated to the Lord. He died on May 30, 727 and was consecrated Saint on November 3, 743. This is one of the reasons why he is celebrated on November 3 in Belgium and May 30 in France. Europe would have perpetuated, here in Quebec, the name of this variety used in the famous hunting soup, in honor of Saint-Hubert. For the full story, visit the Potager d'Antan. This variety is considered very rare and in danger of extinction.

Requires net or other support to be able to hang on. Peas do not like lack of water.
Black Cherry Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Climbing tomato with multiple wine-red fruits, each barely smaller than a golf ball. Very balanced at the sweet-acid level, this cherry tomato is one of our favorites when eaten fresh, directly from the garden. Its skin is thin and it is very juicy. We found this treasure one day, at a seed company (Antique Edibles), during a trip to Ontario.

Gradually acclimate to outdoor conditions about 10 days before planting by taking them out during the day. When planting, lay the plants horizontally, slightly arching the plant to bring out the leaves upwards.
Espagnol Lefebvre Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
In the 1960s, Mr. Q Réginald Lefebvre owned a farm in St-Rémi, Quebec. One day, some Spaniards ask him for a few acres to grow their tomatoes. He accepts and discovers by rubbing shoulders with them the potential of one of their variety of tomatoes. He cultivates it in turn. In 1981, for lack of succession, the farm was sold, but the tomato went down in history!

Gradually acclimate to outdoor conditions about 10 days before planting by taking them out during the day. When planting, lay the plants horizontally, slightly arching the plant to bring out the leaves upwards.
Sun Drop Cherry Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Adorable little orange tomato. It is particularly sweet, and offers an early harvest; it therefore allows you to start enjoying the summer as soon as possible! Perfect as a snack or to add a splash of color to your salad.

Gradually acclimate to outdoor conditions about 10 days before planting by taking them out during the day. When planting, lay the plants horizontally, slightly arching the plant to bring out the leaves upwards.
Tomato the seed girl got it wrong (mix) (Solanum lycopersicum)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
The seed company mixed it all up and created an envelope of the different varieties of large tomatoes that grew on our farm. Includes Mémé de Beauce, Téton de Vénus, Plourde, Savignac, Noire de Crimée, Canabec, Black Ruffle, Québec #13, Sang du Québec, Minuit à Montréal, Espagnol Lefebvre. For those who love diversity!

Gradually acclimate to outdoor conditions about 10 days before planting by taking them out during the day. When planting, lay the plants horizontally, slightly arching the plant to bring out the leaves upwards.
Lamb's-quarters (Chenopodium album)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Lamb's-quarters (Chou gras);Chenopodium album;In Quebec, we always ate it in times of scarcity. When the vegetable cellar was empty, when spring was slow to come, we picked the leaves and the young shoots and made a well-vitamined soup that we called "fat chicken soup". Of course, there was no chicken in there! The honor of the cook was safe.;Edible annual plant of the family Amaranthaceae. Its name refers to the shape of its crow's feet leaves. Slowly, it colonizes wasteland, vegetable gardens, fields, continents. We find it everywhere. However, this weed has many virtues. Very rich in calcium, protein, vitamins A, B and C, phosphorus and iron. The leaves and young shoots are eaten. However, like spinach, this plant contains a high level of oxalic acid. We will therefore refrain from putting it on the menu every day. The seeds are edible but always in moderation, because of the saponins they contain.;It freezes well and can be cooked with all sauces. To discover in pesto or in soup.;Also called fat cabbage, this plant is at the origin of the expression "to throw its fat cabbage", which means to waste its wealth. Very stupid the one who throws his fat cabbage.

Latin name: Chenopodium album
Common names: Lamb's-quarters, Ansérine blanche, Fatty chicken, Fatty cabbage
English: Lamb's quarters, Melde, Goosefoot, Fat-hen
Family: Amaranthaceae

Does not require fertilization. Harvest mature flowers regularly as the plant can quickly become invasive. If you wish to harvest the seeds, harvest the stems just before the seeds brown and let them dry on a tray.
Cocozelle squash (Cucurbita pepo)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Courgette Cocozelle;Cucurbita pepo;50-60 days to maturity.;Appreciated by gardeners, who have been growing it for a long time, this ancient variety comes to us from Naples, hence its name Cocozella di Napoli.;Bushy type, it produces fruit tasty in quantity. To stimulate fruiting, be sure to harvest young zucchini. This will extend the harvest season and you will be feasting on little zucchini.;When ripe, this zucchini is 30cm in length. It is at its best if harvested when it measures between 15 and 20 cm. The dark green fruits are streaked with light green. The flesh is a delicate color between white and green.;Succulent cooked, fried, steamed or stored in the freezer.;Italian heritage variety.

Harvest regularly throughout the season to boost production.
Greater plantain (Plantago major)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Greater plantain;Plantago major;Plantaginaceae;Medicinal plant. Its virtues have been recognized since Antiquity, in the East as well as in the West. In North America, it spread with European settlers. Native Americans nicknamed this plant "white man's foot", because it grew wherever it trod the ground.;Plantain has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is used to treat wounds, skin irritations, inflammation of the respiratory tract and mucous membranes, rheumatism, constipation. In general, the great plantain purifies the body.;The fresh leaves of the plantain, washed, can be applied as a poultice to the skin or ingested in the form of an infusion and mother tincture. Very nutritious, they can also be eaten raw in salads, or cooked when they are tougher.

CAUTION, plantain can be invasive.
Skunk Pole bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Rare, resistant and very productive variety, formerly cultivated by the Iroquois. The plant can climb up to 2 meters in height and produces white and purple flowers. Young, the beans can be eaten as small green beans. Its name means skunk in English. Indeed, its magnificent beans are speckled with black and white spots, or sometimes entirely black. Their flat shape is reminiscent of lima beans. When ripe, they are ideal for making soups. Personally, we have tested them in baked beans, and they are delicious mixed with Kahnawake Mohawk. This bean was rediscovered in Chester, Vermont and saved by Gail Flagg of Fort Kent, Maine (USA). Perfect for the three sisters, to grow with Canada Croockneck squash.

Avoid handling or removing weeds when the beans are wet to prevent the spread of disease.
Turkey Craw Pole bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
American Heritage Climbing Green Bean. It is eaten fresh as a small green bean, or dry in soups and stews. We use it to make our good old maple syrup beans. This bean is part of SlowFood USA's Ark of Taste. The story goes that it comes from the crop of a wild turkey that was hunted by an African-American slave in the 1800s. Little information remains on the turkey in question. Rich taste, melting texture.
Fat Blonde Lazy Lettuce (Lactuca sativa)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Lettuce Grosse Blonde Paresseuse. Mentioned by Vilmorin, a French seed company, in 1904, this old variety produces a beautiful large head of a beautiful blond green. It is hardy, and does not go to seed easily. It's crunchy to the bite, and has given us a great harvest this summer.

Latin name: Lactuca sativa
Common names: Big summer blonde, Blonde cuirassier, Nonpareille, St-Omer summer blonde
Family: AsteraceaeI
Black-seed Alphange lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. longifolia)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Very crunchy lettuce, which a friend from France sent me as a gift a few years ago. Very easy to grow, it seems to like the Quebec terroir. On the Internet, here is what we found about it "This lettuce has certainly been born in the Champagne region since the beginning of the 19th century. Then over the decades, like many varieties it lost its real name.However, it survived time thanks to its undeniable qualities and was kept by a woman named Angèle and continued on its merry way and its propagation under this last name.Luckily, Gilbert Vincent, great collector of beans, was able to carry out after many years of research to find the surname of this old variety, a joint culture with another very old variety also from the Champagne region, the Alphange à graine noire, and was able to observe that it it was the same variety. Angèle was thus able to find her surname." There is also a mention of the variety under its English names in an 1870s London publication, The Garden by William Robinson.
The best dwarf beans (Phaseolus vulgaris)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Here is a mixture of dwarf beans selected for their flavor, their color and their resistance to climatic hazards. You will therefore find Beurre de Rocquencourt (yellow), Dutch Princess (green), Apache (green), black seed butter (yellow), Velor (purple), Comtesse de Chambord (green) and several others, in order to bring the biodiversity on your plate and help you discover a world of beans! *The varieties are subject to change.
Grand-mère Pole Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Climbing green beans with 6 to 7 seeds in each pod. These are a pretty pink, very small, and very tasty when eaten dry. Is just as delicious fresh, and very very prolific. It was at a Seed Festival that Marie-Jeanne Disant, from Quebec, gave this bean to Mr. René Paquet, then volunteer representative of the Seeds of Diversity Canada kiosk. This one shared some of them with me, and when we grew them, we were immediately delighted with their performance... and their color!Marie-Jeanne Saying "I'm very happy to find other lovers of my grandmother's beans. I have been growing them since the 1970s and give them to whoever wants to take care of them, telling myself that it is important to save this heritage!For the record, I I actually got these beans from my grandmother, who lived in France and almost never moved from her little hometown in Ile-de-France, unlike these beans that have crossed the continents! from his neighbor from Switzerland who gave them to him between the two wars... How these beans arrived in Europe and ended up in Switzerland, I have no idea! But when I emigrated to the 90s from France for Quebec, I brought some in my shoes, telling myself that I was not doing a great from a trick to the regulations since all in all, I was only bringing these beans back to their continent of origin (...) Another small specification, they are eaten green even when the small seeds are forming inside, because they are very tender. (...)"Later, Madame Disant will tell us that the beans were in the shoes of her suitcase, not the shoes in her feet.

Need to be tutored.
Rat's Tail Radish (Raphanus sativus var. caudatus)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Also called "Snake radish", this radish is a very old variety originating from Indonesia. It does not develop a root, but is eaten by... the tail! It is actually the aerial pods that are edible and look like rat tails. Tender and tasty (pods, not rat tails!), slightly spicy, they can be eaten raw, cooked or marinated.

Radish is usually a cold climate crop and is best planted in the spring. On the other hand, the Rattail radish likes to be planted early, but loves the heat. It will flower when the hot weather arrives in August!

Number of seeds per packet : 40
Canadian White Corn (Zea mays)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Antoine D'Avignon was passionate about heirloom vegetables. A pioneer in Quebec in the preservation of heritage seeds, he harvested, cultivated and shared several varieties which, today, would have been forgotten without him. For example, Louis-Marie's Crotte d'ours potato, Ice Grow tomato (from Suzanne Bourgeois), Huron wheat, and... this corn. he appeals to all Quebec corn that our grandmothers grew no longer exists. No one grows flour corn anymore. After the interview, a lady telephoned the radio station to say that she had in her possession seeds of flour corn that had been grown in her family for ages.<!--more-->And so it is that she shared with Antoine her precious treasure. Then that summer, Antoine talked about it to his friend, Mme France Bouffard, who asked him to give her some seeds. Hesitating, because he has very few, he ends up leaving him 6 seeds. She cultivates and multiplies them, then makes flour for her pancakes. The story could have ended like this, but it was without counting on the early death of Antoine, who took with him the story of corn. More recently, Mrs. Bouffard contacted me, who then worked at Semences du patrimoine . We speak. She tackles the corn, then sends it to me by post. Having had a good first harvest, we can therefore offer it to you in turn. To top it all off, Antoine had given the seeds to another of his friends, René Paquet, who has kept the corn husk to this day. And on the envelope, a name. Anita Fournier, from Nicolet. We are looking for this lady (probably deceased today) or her descendants. Please let us know if you know it. Note that some of the seeds have been sent to Seeds of Diversity for preservation. Hoping that you too will contribute to adding a new chapter to the story. Send us photos of your Canadian White Corn and we'll share them.