


Cucamelon Cucumber (Melothria scabra)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Le plus mignon des concombres, goût citronné.
Sweetgrass (Hierochloe odorata)
8.00 $ 8.00 $ 8.0 CAD
This perennial plant forms clumps of linear green leaves and exudes a delicious sweet, vanilla scent when dried. Also called "buffalo grass", this plant is considered sacred by the indigenous peoples of North America. For many of them, it represents a keystone species of the culture and is a reflection of their collective identity, their values ​​and their beliefs. In the form of an incense or a braid, sweetgrass will intoxicate you with its subtle fragrance.
Goose Pole Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
This bean, would have been found in the throat of a wild goose, then cultivated thereafter. It would be a heritage variety from Acadia, but was shared with us by a Native American. Gray speckled black beans, this bean is a landrace, so its patterns may vary.

Latin name: Phaseolus vulgaris
Common name: Canadian Wild Goose Bean
English: Goose Bean
Family: Fabaceae
Little Fingers Eggplant (Solanum melongena)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Asian variety.
Oriental Poppy (Papaver Orientale)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
The oriental poppy offers us a magnificent flowering at the end of spring. Its large orange-red flowers, very decorative, appear at the end of spring. Like many perennials, it is unlikely to flower the first year it is sown. Each plant produces a large amount of seed.

Eggplant Rosa Bianca (Solanum melongena)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
This variety of eggplant produces round, plump and short fruits (about 15 cm) that are variegated with white and a delicate purple. This species comes to us from Italy and stands out for its taste qualities. Unlike other types of eggplant, its skin is not tough, its taste is thinner and lighter, and its texture is creamy. To try it is to adopt it.

Latin name: Solanum melongena
Common names: Eggplant Rosa Bianca
English: Rosa Bianca Eggplant
Family: Solanaceae

Benefits from staking to prevent the branches from breaking under the weight of the fruit. Sensitive to the wind.
Mixed lupine (Lupinus sp.)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
**Attention: Some varieties of lupines are toxic, including their seeds. Make sure to protect your children and pets.**

Easy to grow, lupines produce beautiful flower spikes in white, pink, and blue-violet, highly valued by pollinating insects. Typical of traditional gardens, they also make wonderful cut flowers. However, they only flower from their second year onwards


Lemon cucumber (Cucumis sativus)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
The lemon cucumber is a very old variety probably originating from India. It stands out for its mild and sweet flavor, without any bitterness. Easy to grow, it is particularly appreciated by children thanks to the original and attractive shape of its fruits. This cucumber is ideal for diversifying your garden and providing a pleasant taste experience for the whole family.
Scarlett Nantes Carrots (Daucus carota var. sativus)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
This cylindrical carrot has a very soft and very crunchy flesh. Orange in color, this variety with great keeping qualities is excellent fresh, frozen or juiced. Easy to grow

The vast majority of our seeds are produced on our farm. However, if the cultivation of a variety fails or if it is out of stock, we source from other seed companies to ensure an interesting selection. This is the case for this variety.
The varieties are subject to change.

"Tear" your carrots, that is, thin them out quickly so they don't all stick together and stay small.
Swamp (Asclepias incarnata)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Swamp milkweed. is a perennial native to Canada, like its cousin the Syriac milkweed. There both absolutely essential to monarch butterflies in addition to offering beautiful pink/red and fragrant flowers. This is the only plant on which its caterpillars feed. It does not require much maintenance and it can grow very well in poor soil. It is a must for gardeners who want to contribute to biodiversity


This plant requires stratification! For more information, visit our stratification guide in our "Blog" menu.
Jubilee Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Very popular large yellow tomato. Its name means celebration, birthday, party... the golden color of its firm flesh and its very, very sweet flavor make it a tomato of choice in the garden. She was mentionned in a German seed catalogue in 1903 but it seems to came from United States.

Gradually acclimate to outdoor conditions about 10 days before planting by taking them out during the day. Lay the plants horizontally, slightly arching the plant to bring the leaves out.
Red Ross Salad Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD

Family heirloom from Vancouver, carefully cultivated since 1950! With its succulent and juicy flesh, this tomato plant delivers an exceptional yield, stretching from mid-season until the first frost.

Adapted to regions with short growing seasons and/or cool summers, this variety bears witness to the passion and expertise passed down through generations within the Ross family. An enduring love story with the land, spanning over 70 years, is woven into each harvest. A symphony of traditions, care, and bountiful harvests, eternally embedded in the family legacy.
Gai Lan Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. alboglabra)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
This Chinese broccoli, also called Kai lan, is perfectly adapted to Quebec summers, and tolerates light frosts in the fall.
The great advantage of this vegetable compared to traditional broccoli is its ease of cultivation. Instead of waiting for it to form a ball like the latter, which sometimes never happens, we harvest small, thin and delicate broccoli throughout its flowering. It is extremely prolific, and its taste resembles broccoli with a touch of mustard.
Roumanian flax (Linum usitatissimum)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Palestinian flax (Linum usitatissimum)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Cat Grass (Avena sativa)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Cats like to eat grasses: in addition to containing several vitamins, folic acid and fiber, the grass helps to purge their system and evacuate the hairs that they swallow by licking their coat. And best of all...they leave your precious plants alone during this time.
Plant at any time of year in a small, well-moistened pot.

Psssst: It's important to note that oatmeal for cats differs from catnip, which is a separate plant in the mint family and often causes a euphoric reaction in cats. We also sell catnip!
Mammoth Melting sugar Pea (Pisum sativum)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Discover an ancestral and robust climbing snow pea that provides an abundance of pods over an extended period. The tender pods, measuring between 10 and 12 cm, will bring a deliciously sweet flavor to your dishes until the first frost.

Using a net or stakes can aid in harvesting, as it can reach a height of 2 meters. Peas thrive with consistent watering.
Manitoba tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
This vibrant red tomato, developed in the 1950s at the Morden Experimental Farm in Manitoba, stands out for its early production, making it ideal for regions with short growing seasons. The smooth, slightly flattened fruits, measuring 10 cm in diameter, boast firm and flavorful flesh with a refreshing tang. Perfect for slicing or canning, this determinate variety also exhibits good resistance to fusarium wilt and verticillium wilt.
Dix doigts de Naples tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
The "Dix Doigts de Naples" tomato, originating from the Naples region in Italy, is a semi-determinate variety of the San Marzano type. It consistently produces elongated red fruits in clusters. These hollow tomatoes, low in juice and seeds, are ideal for canning, sauces, coulis, and salads.

Gradually acclimate to outdoor conditions about 10 days before planting by exposing them during the day. Lay the plants horizontally, gently bending them to bring the leaves upward.
Bon jardinier Lettuce (Lactuca sativa)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
The Butterhead Lettuce from "Bon Jardinier" is an heirloom variety, ideal for summer cultivation. With thick, crunchy leaves, pale green bordered in red, it delivers excellent flavor. Its resistance to heat and drought slows down the process of going to seed. As the quintessential leafy vegetable, this lettuce, which can grow quite large, is prized for its quality, whether used in salads or as a side dish.