Héliopsis faux-hélianthe (Heliopsis helianthoides)
Heliopsis false sunflower is a magnificent wild perennial native to North America. An extremely floriferous nectariferous plant, it will delight butterflies and other pollinating insects. It is very drought tolerant and can also be used for shoreline stabilization. *Seed quantity has been doubled due to low germination rate.
Latin name: Heliopsis helianthoides
Common names: Heliopsis false sunflower, false sunflower.
English: False sunflower, Smooth Oxeye, Common Ox-eye, Oxeye Sunflower, Sunflower Heliopsis.
Family: Asteraceae
Type de plante: Vivace |
Couleur de fleur: Rouge |
Quantité: Enveloppe environ 60 semences |
Exposition: Soleil |
Port: Buissonnant |
Sol: Tous types de sols |
Arrosage: Tolère la sécheresse |
Semis: Directement au jardin |
Plantation: Au jardin après les risques de gel |
Temps de germination: 80 jours, 80 jours |
Espacement entre les plants: 60 cm |
Profondeur: 1 cm |
Largeur: 60 cm à 1 m |
Hauteur: 90 cm à 1,2 m |
Famille: Asteraceae |
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