Thym Serpolet (Thymus serpyllum)
This variety of creeping thyme makes a superb ground cover, particularly suitable for gardens and rocky soils. Excellent for dry and poor soils, it requires little watering once well established. Some use it as an alternative to traditional lawn. It tolerates trampling and gives off a pleasant fragrance. A melliferous plant, it will delight pollinators with its abundant flowering during the months of July and August. Excellent for dry soils, requires little watering once well established. This thyme is used in cooking fresh or dried to flavor all kinds of dishes.
Type de plante: Vivace |
Couleur de fleur: Violet |
Quantité: Enveloppe environ 200 semences |
Exposition: Soleil |
Port: Rampant |
Sol: Bien drainé |
Arrosage: Besoin en eau faible |
Semis: À l'intérieur |
Plantation: Au jardin après les risques de gel |
Temps de maturation: 90 à 150 jours |
Temps de germination: 14 à 30 jours |
Espacement entre les plants: Éclaircir à 30 cm |
Distance entre les rangs: 30 cm |
Profondeur: En surface |
Largeur: 30 cm |
Hauteur: 15 cm |
Famille: Lamiaceae |
Caractéristique: Mellifère |